How can we understand and enhance learning? Research in the Memory & Metacognition Group focuses on this research question, that is, on different applied and theoretical aspects relating to memory, learning, and metacognition.
Metacognition research is about the monitoring (e.g., how well you think you have learned something) and control (i.e., how you regulate your study behavior) of our cognitions. More specifically, in our lab we examine how well we monitor our learning in different situations, and we seek to enhance our understanding of how we make these judgments (i.e., on what information they are based and which factors affect them). In addition, we are interested in how metacognitive judgements relate to study regulation and ultimately to successful learning.
Memory research is about understanding how memory functions and how we learn. Specifically, in our lab, we examine various learning strategies (e.g. the testing effect), as well as learners’ knowledge and awareness about such learning strategies. You can find more information about the different projects on the individual member’s pages.
Metacognition research is about the monitoring (e.g., how well you think you have learned something) and control (i.e., how you regulate your study behavior) of our cognitions. More specifically, in our lab we examine how well we monitor our learning in different situations, and we seek to enhance our understanding of how we make these judgments (i.e., on what information they are based and which factors affect them). In addition, we are interested in how metacognitive judgements relate to study regulation and ultimately to successful learning.
Memory research is about understanding how memory functions and how we learn. Specifically, in our lab, we examine various learning strategies (e.g. the testing effect), as well as learners’ knowledge and awareness about such learning strategies. You can find more information about the different projects on the individual member’s pages.
If you are interested to write your thesis (Bachelor, Master, or PhD) within any of our topics of interest, please contact Fredrik Jönsson at [email protected]. Any work opportunities will also be posted here.
research group
To learn more about the individual researchers, please click on their profile photos.
Fredrik Jönsson
Professor |
Andreas Jemstedt
PhD, Assistant Professor |
Kristina Karlsson
PhD, Assistant Professor |
Max Larsson Sundqivst
PhD |
Hassan Mahjub Eshratabadi
Postdoc |
PhD Students
Post docs
2016 Mario de Jonge (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
2017 Anja Seiger
Tabea Schuchardt
2016 Cornelia Erika Kirschbaum
Petra Hoehne
Sabine Meyer
2015 Angela Ruchniewicz
Carolin Schreiner
Susanne Pohler
2013 Petra Pechatschek
Miriam Summ
2012 Natascha Lessig
2011 Lukas Begrich, PhD student, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Tabea Schuchardt
2016 Cornelia Erika Kirschbaum
Petra Hoehne
Sabine Meyer
2015 Angela Ruchniewicz
Carolin Schreiner
Susanne Pohler
2013 Petra Pechatschek
Miriam Summ
2012 Natascha Lessig
2011 Lukas Begrich, PhD student, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany